Provider: Information according to § 5 TMG, § 6 TDG und § 10 MDStV, § 55 Abs. 2 RStV, V. i. S. d. P.
May Maha Metta - Life Adviser
Maitri Lorenzo-Ventura
Konrad Engelhardt-Str. 9
82131 Gauting
Ph. Business: +49 1577 157 6353
E-mail: maitrikarma@gmail.com
Legal form: small business, self-employed
Job titles:
Graduate teacher, educator, leader
Tarot Card Reader - Clairvoyant - Medium
Psychological Counsellor (TMI)
Kinesiology Practitioner
Hypnotist, Regressions (to past life), mental training with hypnosis
Coaching, life consultant
Trance Healing, Reiki Master
Seminar and travel guide
Author "Unconditional" (Maitri May)
VAT identification number according to § 27a UStG: 161/246/30596
Logo copyright by MahaMetta
Reference to the codes of conduct to which the service provider is subject and must comply with and the address under which they can be retrieved electronically and the languages in which they are available, are visible to the client in the respective individual counselling / coaching contract
Responsible for content:
according to § 5 TMG (Telemedia Act): Maitri Lorenzo-Ventura
according to §6 and § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV: Maitri Lorenzo-Ventura
according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Maitri Lorenzo-Ventura
Responsible in the sense of the press right (V. i. P. P.): Maitri Lorenzo-Ventura
Liability for content
As a service provider we are responsible according to § 7 Abs.1 TMG for own contents on these sides according to the general laws. According to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, however, we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transmitted or stored external information or to investigate circumstances that indicate illegal activity.
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As far as the contents on this side were not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are considered. In particular, contents of third parties are marked as such. Should you still be aware of a copyright infringement, we ask for a note. Upon notification of violations, we will remove such content immediately.
The treatments are:
... NO...
• Healing method in the sense of a classic symptom treatment
• Therapy or substitute for a specific medical history and treatment or consulting a doctor, alternative practitioner, trained therapist, ...
Safety precautions and contraindications:
Certain medical conditions make it advisable to check and if in doubt or under medical treatment, consult your doctor or therapist before undergoing a treatment. Please, check the section about contraindications of this webpage.
© Life Coach May Maha Metta
Responsible for content:
The responsible data processing company on this website is:
May MahaMetta
Maitri Lorenzo Ventura
82131 Gauting
Ph. Business: +49 1577 157 6353
E-Mail: maitrikarma@gmail.com
Responsible entity is the natural or legal person who, alone or in concert with others, decides on the purposes and means of processing personal data (such as names, e-mail addresses, etc.).​