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Hypnosis - Coaching

The hypnosis coaching differs from the "classic coaching" mainly by the fact that in the work with the client the hypnosis is used and thus achieve a different intensity than many classic coaching techniques, which often work mainly on a purely cognitive level.


With the help of hypnosis in many cases potentials can be more easily identified and defined, insights and goals can be better integrated, and it helps better to dissolve blockages that the client may otherwise have not realized during a classic coaching.


With hypnosis, coaching offers are often easier to package and promote as something more concrete.


Hypnosis is generally considered to be the most efficient key and most direct route to the subconscious mind. The importance of the power of the subconscious is also now commonly quoted.


Due to the special features of working in a trance, hypnosis goals are often faster to achieve and often have a higher potential for action.

Hypnotherapist. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich

What are the risks of a Hypnosis?


Hypnosis is still very controversial. Some fear hypnosis because they think they are losing control, others consider hypnosis to be a hoax or a fancy.


Today, scientific experiments suggest that hypnosis is an effective method in many individuals.


Hypnosis works only for people who want to get involved in it, and it does not work for everyone.


There are people who are easier to hypnotize than others, and about ten percent do not enter a hypnotized state (hypnotizability).


The hypnotist has a certain power position in her role, and it is therefore important that she acts ethically and does not endanger the health of the client.

What do I have to consider after a Hypnosis?


The hypnosis works mainly on the relaxed state. It is therefore beneficial if you take enough time before, as well as after the hypnosis. Hypnosis experiences can feel very intense, and you may need a few minutes after the session to get fully recovered.


After a hypnosis, you should take the time to process the experience.


After hypnosis, many people feel energetic and motivated. Enjoy this state and leave doubting thoughts out as long as possible. A hypnosis has the best effect if you give yourself completely on the hypnosis.

Hypnosis. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich

When to do a hypnosis treatment?


Hypnosis is used on its own or in combination with other procedures, for example behavioural therapy or depth psychological methods.


Various themes to work on:

Treatment of anxiety, depression, constraints, eating disorders, addictions (eg smoking), chronic pain, sleep disorders ...

Blazing Eye

When to do a hypnosis treatment?


Hypnosis is used on its own or in combination with other procedures, for example behavioural therapy or depth psychological methods.


Various themes to work on:

Treatment of anxiety, depression, constraints, eating disorders, addictions (e.g. smoking), chronic pain, sleep disorders ...

The following topics are important:


Occupational Coaching:

  • More success

  • Professional satisfaction

  • goal Setting

  • Career planning / career reorientation (inclusive burn-out and mobbing)



Private Coaching:

  • More satisfaction in private life in general

  • Relationship Management

  • Partner Determination

  • Family planning

  • Dealing with illness and death in the family

  • Finding meaning in life

  • Life goal / life mission

  • Dealing with money / debt

  • Retirement / pension

Neuron. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich



  • In the medical field, hypnosis is a popular method for managing pain and also to assist with medical interventions.


  • The purpose of hypnosis coaching does not include the cure or alleviation of illnesses or their symptoms.


  • Hypnosis is not suitable for people who are currently experiencing an acute psychosis or are suffering from psychotic states (mania, schizophrenia). Beware of traumatized persons.


  • A hypnosis can also be hazardous to health if the client suffers from cardiovascular problems or low blood pressure. In the hypnotic trance the blood pressure drops. The deep relaxation may favour a seizure in people with epilepsy.


  • If the person is on medication, an appointment with a doctor should be made prior to hypnosis. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs, no hypnosis will take place. 


  • Of course, other hypnotic approaches are conceivable (hypnosis offers a very wide range of techniques and options) these are mostly but mainly modifications of or a combination of these with other techniques and methods. 


  • The list of possible therapies and treatments for depression that can be combined with hypnosis is long. In some cases, hypnosis is used in conjunction with pharmacotherapy advised by the doctor (anti-depressants) or other psychotherapy (eg behavioural therapy). Often clients also take naturopathic support.


  • Accompanying sport (walking, swimming) is helpful.


  •  Of course, all of this should be tailored to the needs of the client by experienced and competent doctors in the respective area, so that the combination actually fits.

What is Hypnosis?


The Greek word "hypnos" means sleep in English. Even so, hypnosis is not really about sleep. Hypnosis is much like the state between sleep and waking consciousness.

Hypnosis is a technique by which people put themselves or others in a different state of consciousness. One speaks of hypnotic trance. This condition is associated with physical and psychological changes. Under hypnosis, you can work through spilled experiences, treat anxiety disorders, and activate positive forces. Operations without anaesthesia have been already carried out.


Hypnosis is a process that creates access to the inner world through the subconscious mind, but it's not a magic work.


The hypnotic trance is above all a relaxed and fearless state, which, in addition to a changed perception of self, is associated with more imagination and creativity as well as an improved imagination.


People under hypnosis are alert and attentive. The trance is rather a state of deep relaxation in which the client directs his attention to something specific.

The brain then sends out the so-called alpha waves (frequency between 8 and 14 hertz), which is the condition that is usually reached in hypnosis. In the area of ​​delta and theta waves (below 8 Hz) we are in natural sleep. This area can only be reached by hypnosis in rare cases. In hypnosis, the ability of "everyday trance" can be very strongly promoted so that it can be used to solve physical and / or mental problems.


During a hypnosis, the hypnotist can use this condition, and through the subconscious, to activate the client's personal strengths and coping strategies, which he/she does not use in everyday life. 


Not all people let themselves equally to hypnotize. This is known as high, medium or low hypnotic suggestibility (hypnotizability). Unfortunately, we do not know how is your hypnotizability, so you just have to try it.


Before a hypnosis, there will be a get-together and a preliminary talk between the hypnotist and the client. In order that no unpleasant situations arise for the client during a hypnosis, the hypnotist needs to know about fears, apprehensions and physical limitations of the client.

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